An Ode to the Screwdriver
Before this there was Shesh-Besh, Scrabble, and Trivial Pursuit. But we at Hillel have moved on. Oh yes, we've moved very, very much on. We no longer entertain ourselves between classes with board games, but with tools.
Yes, that's right--tools.
There's this insanely fun screwdriver in the Hillel room of indeterminate origin. Not only is it perfect for poking people and playing Tug-O-Screw, but it comes with six different heads you can replace the top with that fit into place from a magnetic force. Plus, it's actually purposeful.
Yes, that's right--tools.

6 Shpeils
You know how I knew you were the one to post this comment? Because it showed up as a new comment but wasn't registered as an official "Recent Comment" by the "Recent Comment" thing.
i love that screwdriver and someday I'm going to marry it!
i'm playing with it right now.
I got it on the first try! Beat that yidden!
I second the motion.
-The Hillel Rabbi
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