At the Kotel!
I went to the Kotel today for the first time since arriving in Israel to see candle lighting.
Of course, the traffic was so insane that I missed candle lighting, but I did get to daven maariv at the Kotel, which was nice.
And theeeeeeeeen, I met up with fellow Punks-blogger Moshe (Elder Punk), who is spending the year studying in Israel, for dinner. We asked a chayal to take our picture and he was really cute about it. He told us to say something for the picture that neither of us understood, which made us laugh really hard. So those smiles? Real. :)
Shalom for now!

5 Shpeils
watch your proximity!
Whaaa? Holy crap! Use the contact form on our web site and be in touch! We should all go out and get a drink or something, no?
relax man, it was a optical trick i got nowhere near her.
taller is a verb now?
I think he's always been that's just a rare occassion that I wear flats. :)
And unless it became one while I've been here--no. :) But I like it.
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