Thursday, March 31, 2005

Big Jew Mayor Ruzzin Isn't Even a Jew After All

Hrm, CBS4-Denver reports on their site that:
"A local cable talk-show host, upset over a City Council decision to stop funding community access television, fired off an e-mail to the mayor calling him "Big Jew Mayor Ruzzin."
The mayor's not Jewish, the article says. So that his statement is, "My kind of approach to these sorts of things is that by ignoring them I do not provide an opportunity to bring more attention to something that isn't worthy of attention," doesn't surprise or bother me.
I wouldn't expect him to be offended by someone using the term "Jew" with the intention of getting his attention and/or offending him. There's nothing wrong with using a regular term in a derogatory way. Like, if I were to say, "hey, woman!" to a guy if I think he's acting "sissyish" he wouldn't get offended at the usage of "woman." But I would, because I am a woman.
However, the e-mail angered council member Andy Schultheiss, who is Jewish.
"I know you're trying to shock people, the right to which I will defend even though you are offending me, my colleagues, anyone else who might stumble into this cesspool, and my relatives who were killed in the Holocaust (and especially those who survived it)," Schultheiss said in an e-mail to Scott. Both his parents escaped from Nazi Germany."
But don't worry, those of you who've started to think that Jann Scott, the local cable talk-show host, is anti-Semitic; he assures us he isn't: "It was really making fun of them. I'm not anti-Semitic. I have relatives who are Jews," Scott told the Rocky Mountain News.
Ooooooh, yeah, that explains it. Good...good one. "I have relatives who are Jews" thereby freeing me of any possible association you can draw between me and hating Jews.
I believe I've heard something similar to that before. Yes, it was something along the lines of, "how can the sign be anti-Semitic--we're Semitic!" Semantics, all. Silly, meaningless semantics.

Jewbee Doobee

Okay, here's something I didn't know but kinda figured: Mark Zuckerberg, creator of facebook, is Jewish.

Oh, but he's not like, just Jewish, he's really Jewish. What do I mean by that--really Jewish--you ask? Why, he's a psych major, of course.

Go figure.


And in Other Jew News...

Because controlling only the bland media (read: press and hollywood) just wasn't enough.

(Actually, I was thinking about this on Sunday when I went to see Mir's new house and ended up eating shalach manot nosh with her because someone had given her family chanukah gelt. Lame, dude. Real lame.)

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Urban Legend No More!

Well now its official two of the worlds most perplexing urban legends have been debunked.

  1. D.B. Cooper survived his parachute trip out of the Northwest Orient jetliner in 1971. He took all that loot, got a sex, er uh sects-change operation (he used to be an ashki, and now his ashki self-hatred is part of his cover), and is now a student at Hunter College. The only question remains is, how did he do it?
  2. The Abomidable snowman is a SHE!! As I have suspected for years (a semester and and half), the Brownsville Girl is in reality the Abomidable Snowwoman. Suring the summer she terrorizes lost chinese troops in the mountains of Nepal and Tibet, and during the winter months she terrorizes guys in hillel. But the most important point is that hes a she!

elder punk of zion: fine, r u the real abomidable snowman though??

elder punk of zion: i mean snowwoman?

Brownsvillegirls screenname: yes

MFFC: Hunter College Chapter

I would like to propose that professors never give another midterm because if I don't actually have something to do (study), I will probably be productive with my time. Instead, I spend my time (when I should be studying) making silly little logos and designs and tee-shirts for the first ever Millard Fillmore Fan Club: Official Store. I think we should market these to the Hunter Store, too. Y'know, make it hip to be scholarly! Someone needs desperately to get a life...

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Ah...So That's When It Could Start

According to Peter Zimojic of the Telegraph, an essay written by a student at an Islamic school for a creative writing contest about a fictitous hero who "took his M16 machine gun and threw the bombs, and he showered the Jews," was praised by the two teachers who reviewed it.
"The pupil, who has not been identified, illustrated his creative writing assignment, which was written in Arabic, by drawing a picture of a Star of David in flames next to a machine gun. He also drew a Palestinian flag on top of the Dome of the Rock mosque in Jerusalem, one of Islam's holiest sites. Claims that the essay was put on display in a glass case at the entrance of the school, in Ottawa, are being investigated."
While the article doesn't mention what kind of school this is, other than that it is a private one, it says that the ages of the students go up to 13. Too bad, because I know just the college for this kid.
(I do just want to add that this story is (a) very vague and (b) the only one of it's kind that I've seen recently.)

Friday, March 25, 2005

We Love Esther!

I apologize for the schizoness...maybe when it's not ten minutes to Shabbos, I'll come back and edit it.

We had this really great but horribly weird teacher for history in high school. One day, I can't remember how it came up, he told us that when he was first offered the job to teach at our Jewish school, he was apprehensive. When he taught in public school, he told us, the Jewish mothers never left him alone. Come PTA and the Irish mothers would come in asking how their little Ians were doing, the Italian mothers would bring him canolis and ask how their little Johnnys were doing, and the Jewish mothers would come in and start talking before even sitting down. They'd want explanations for everything--why their son or daughter isn't getting straight A's, the importance of the lessons being taught for their future lawyer's future occupation, blah, blah, blah. And they would also call him at home, all the time, he said, wanting to know this and that as it came up. He feared that teaching in a school where everyone was Jewish would make him go out of his mind, but no one’s ever called him from our school--not even once!
We were quiet while he said all this, because while it was hysterical, we didn't want to laugh in his face. As soon as he left, we exploded into laughter because what he didn't know was that there was a sign-up sheet on the principal's door and anytime a girl had a complaint, all she had to do was write her name down and when she'd get an appointment, express her complaint directly to the principal (on her own). [The teacher also didn't know that he was the fifth teacher hired when we were in ninth grade to teach us history because we got his four predecessors fired.]
I'm saying all this because the one thing that stuck out the most to me when hearing megillah both last night and this morning (mad early--I went at 6:45am) was that Esther was amazing. After hearing that Mordechai is walking around the king's courtyard (he was a court official, I believe) in torn clothes, which is a sign of mourning, she becomes distressed and sends nice clothes to him hoping that he change so that he could enter the palace in order for her to ask him what he's in mourning over. (By the way, Rav Yirmiya says that the word distressed which is literally "full of hollows" in the Hebrew means that her stomach loosened and she had a miscarriage--just to get a sense of how worked up this made her.) He ends up rejecting the clothing, but the two of them have a dialogue through messengers. He tells her of the decree that the people of the land should arm and ready themselves against the Jews and that she, as queen, has to do something about it. She responds that if she were to enter the king's chambers without being called she could be killed and since the edict wasn't even happening soon--there was about a year left--she shouldn't risk her life and the king's anger by rushing.
Mordechai's response (Artscroll translation): "Do not imagine that you will be able to escape in the King’s palace any more than the rest of the Jews. For if you persist in keeping silent at a time like this, relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from some other place, while you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether it was just for such a time as this that you attained the royal position!" Esther requests that the Jews hold three days of fasting along with her and that on the third she will approach the king.
Long story short, the Jews are saved, Haman is killed, Esther is celebrated, and Mordechai is given honor.
At the AJC meeting the other day, one of the moderators said, "there’s nothing wrong with winning when it's your people you’re defending." This is what Jewish leaders are about, I believe. Look in Bereishet...before HaShem destroys Sedom (Sodom and Gemorrah), the language in the Torah suggests that God went down and "thought out loud about it" in Avraham's presence. Avraham, as we all know, put up an argument until it became apparent that there really wasn't anyone worthy of being saved but Lot and his family. It seems strange that God would make that decision purposely around Avraham, but maybe HaShem wanted to hear Avraham argue for the people. The Torah doesn't speak much about Avraham's past, but it does emphasize his actions because as the leader of the Jewish people, it is his actions and traits that our nation embodies. Avraham, our father, stood up for the people to God (and please don't ask me about akadot Yitzchak because even after studying it in-depth I can't grasp it)! Esther, too, pushed her own fears aside and hastened to influence the king so as to save our nation. What we know about both is more about their actions than their backgrounds because how you act (or react) and what you choose to act on shows who you are.
We are Jews; it is our obligation to speak out.

Chag Sameach.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

As many of you already know, the founder of the 450+ member Millard Fillmore Fan Club: Hunter College Chapter (of which I hold the Queen of Dorkness position), is our very own D.B. Cooper.
"Now, you must be wondering why on earth this group exists. Isn't it obvious?? We love Millard!! Honestly, doesn't everyone? Even odiously recalcitrant history professors must concede he was one heck of a guy! Ahh, the joys of Millard Fillmore."
Yes, that's right. We're a weird bunch of kids. But when Coops suggested that we honor our little known 13th president, it was only apropos that we make a tee with his last words.
And so we have...

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

And Then We All Lived Happily Ever After

Tomorrow, two other Hunter students and I will participate in a panel on anti-Semitism on campus for the American Jewish Congress along with three students from Columbia and three professionals (one from Columbia, one from Hunter, and one from the David Project). I spoke with the Hunter professional who will be part of the panel tonight after an event I ran for the Israeli Student Club and told her that when I think about what bothers me the most about my whole experience at Hunter with regard to anti-Jewish sentiment, it has to be that I feel like the administration does not take us seriously.
A staff member at Hunter told me that I may not realize it, but the administration might be doing a lot more than I know. But if I don’t know about it, it’s because they aren’t communicating with us Jewish students. So what if they even solve everything without ever telling us? If they don’t COMMUNICATE it to us, we’re left in the dark, frustrated and feeling like no one even cares to show us how to get the damn light on.
I understand--Dean Schachter, the Dean for Diversity, is out on maternity leave. This responsibility, I can imagine, would probably fall into her workload. But really, Hunter has been around since 1870--shouldn’t they have a system that works in case one person is out for a few days, weeks, or months?
My phone was dead on Friday and my charger in Washington Heights, so when Dean Schachter called like she said she would when we spoke earlier in the week, she left me a message. She told me that the Palestinian Club has posted a disclaimer to the sign stating that it is not meant to offend Jewish students but that it’s a political sign. When was this disclaimer put up and why was there no official statement released from the club so that we know something came out of our months of meetings? Or rather, why wasn’t there someone in the administration on top of things? Why do I have to find out goodness only knows when later?
I wrote an essay for my Essay Writing I class about my experience as part of a minority that seems to be disregarded as a minority when it suits people. (That sentence’s structure sucked, but you get my point, I hope.) I highlighted my experience with Dean Escott in last meeting I was at with the Palestinian Club because the hypocrisy of the scolding I underwent for exercising my free speech to write an article about the Palestinian Club’s use of free speech astounded me. I posted one of the editions of it (it went through a very long series of edits that resulted in a 91!) on Punks because it’s my blog, I can post what I want, and hardly anyone knows about us anyway. Or so I thought.
As it turns out, our readership is a lot greater than I imagined and the people who have seen that article are many more than I had anticipated. Recently, I came across a comment that was posted on that initial post by someone who referred to herself as a Palestinian Lisa. If she read my post, I will not doubt that Dean Escott (as well as others in the administration) has seen it, too. And if he has, I apologize that he had to. While I do not think that there was anything in my essay that I should not have said, some of the comments posted were uninhibited and thus, disrespectful.
Dean Escott, if you have read my essay and the comments that were posted with it, I sincerely apologize. The tone and manner in which the comments were written were inappropriate to have been regarding someone of your stature.

As for what or how much the administration has done to teach tolerance for diversity and intolerance for hatred, I have yet to hear. But then, it’s not like they’re really communicating with us.

UPDATE: Dean Schachter got in touch with me today to let me know that I should speak with Dean Ayravainen today about furthering a dialogue. Anyone interested in joining?

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Revenge of the JAPs

"BEFORE PARIS HILTON made a career of flaunting her daddy's money, before Carrie Bradshaw transformed Manolo Blahnik from a shoe into a raison d'etre, even before Madonna unabashedly asserted herself as a Material Girl, there was the Jewish-American Princess. First identified in postwar America, the JAP was a girl lavished with the best in life-from the top of her professionally straightened mane of hair, to the nose job she got for her 16th birthday, to a wardrobe of designer clothes and the most expensive shoes money could buy. The entitled, shallow JAP may have been sexually frigid, but as a stereotype she proved remarkably promiscuous, spreading quickly and burrowing deep in the national psyche.
By the 1980s, the JAP had gone from being a quirky ethnic sketch to the presumed identity of nearly every Jewish woman, a trend that reeked of anti-Semitism and misogyny. Galvanized by a slew of incidents at college campuses-including anti-JAP graffiti, ''Biggest JAP on Campus'' contests, and housing ads that warned ''No JAPs''-Jewish feminists and other community leaders launched a successful campaign to scour the term from public discourse."

Interesting article Alana Newhouse writes for the Boston Globe...
Then later in the article:

"But not everyone thinks the revival of the stereotype is harmless fun. Given the noxious ideas about Jews and money, many feel uneasy about making the celebration of consumerism into a Jewish affair."

I wonder what tipped her off to write about this...

Credit to Jmerica.
"I started losing weight, I continued to lose weight, and then I no longer wanted to stop losing weight. Which was fine by me, because May didn't just bring bathing-suit season closer, but it brought my brother's Bar-Mitzvah as well. I designed the outfit I wore and it was custom-made to fit me.
At that point my weight mostly fluctuated between about 112 and 109 pounds. The top I was going to wear to my brother's Bar Mitzvah fit me like a second skin-and it looked best when I weighed 109 pounds. I dieted more stringently than usual and doubled my exercises routine that week. I was down to 107 pounds by the time the weekend rolled around. I remember that when I saw that I weighted 107 pounds I, again, was shocked. Only this time it was a shock with a thrill. The insane control I realized that I had over my hunger and self gave me a false sense of power and that power made me feel good."

I was a scrawny, boney little girl growing up. So when I stopped growing, I didn't realize that I was supposed to start watching my caloric intake. I started gaining weight and didn't even realize. I mean, I noticed that some clothing was a bit tight, but I never realized how tight because when I looked in the mirror I saw me--skinny Dina--not what I really looked like.
It hit me when I stood on the scale one day and saw that I hit two pounds overweight. Now, for someone who never even fit into the weight range allotted to my height group, I was shocked to find that my weight went above it. Something was wrong and I had to fix it. Long story short--it wasn't very long until I pretty much stopped eating.
I wasn't the only girl in my class with an eating disorder, either. My friend Miryam and I sat with our high school yearbook one Shabbos afternoon counting the girls in our class who had either an eating disorder or a "disordered attitude toward eating." Forty girls in my class: about nine girls with eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, excessive dieting) and about twelve girls with disordered attitudes toward eating (as in, girls who wouldn't eat for a month after a holiday because they "gained so much weight, it's scary" or they'd skip a meal because they had three cookies for dessert with lunch). Sometimes we refer to our school as "Manhatta n High School for Girls Who Don't Eat." That means that there were nineteen--nineteen--girls in my class with normal eating habits. (Just to give you an idea of how ridiculous it was, for those of you who know me and Mir, we were both in the top about-five fattest kids in the grade!)
Only half the girls in my class ate well and this is how my school addressed it.
In ninth grade, the principal was giving orientation to the mothers and she mentioned that because girls at Manhattan in the past had eating disorders, she suggests that they provide us with snacks like, for example, we should always have a box of granola bars in our lockers so that we can have a quick something to eat between classes, or something like that. Then, in twelfth grade, a teacher gave us a talk about how when you don't eat properly your body shuts its reproductive system down and that's why many women were not able to have children after the Holocaust. We, as young women, she said, have to take good care of our bodies (she also mentioned that she was telling us all this because she overheard two girls having a conversation that went like this, "You know what I ate today? All I had was a diet coke." "No way! I'm so jealous.").
It used to bother me that we would have bajillions of speakers talk to us about tzanuah, tefillah, tzedakah, etc. and not one speaker about eating disorders. While I know from experience that a girl with anorexia can hear how terrible or dangerous having an eating disorder is and not be effected by it, if there was more education about eating disorders there would be more awareness and more sensitivity in the Jewish community.
Eating disorders are epidemic in the frum community and it's not hard to consider why. Here is my list of possible reasons:
  1. Between running tzedaka campaigns at school, getting straight A's on exams (or at least having that expected of them), and doing chessed outside of school, Jewish girls are driven to become overachieving maniacs (and I say that in the nicest way). Eating disorders are more likely to develop in someone who always expects perfection from herself or himself because it's just another area of control. Control your eating habits and you control your life and its chaos.

  2. (This is for the bit much more frum girls:) While still in high school, many frum Jewish girls have nothing to do with boys and neglect to notice the sexual aspects of their bodies. Because they don't think of themselves as sexual, it oftentimes doesn't even occur to them to take care of their bodies and they just eat what they want and then go off to Israel for a year and continue eating what they want. Then they come home and their mothers freak out that they won't get a shidduch because they are not a size 4 or 2. Excessive dieting ensues.

  3. Frum boys are shomer all their lives. They do not, like their non-shomer counterparts, realize that a girl with no meat is also little fun to touch. Because they also have had minimal contact with girls through out their lives, they get their idea of what an attractive girl is from society. Society says, "curvy is nice, but the thinner the better." Now these boys think that the thinner a girl is the more attractive she is and when it comes to shidduching they only want a thin girl (easily categorized as a "size 2").
    Note: My mother disagreed with me on number three. She thinks that the boys have no idea because their mothers are the ones who say yes or no to shidduch potentials and that it's their mothers who go crazy over the "size 2" kind of girl.

Something else that has fascinated me, aside from my own school's lack of mentioning anything is that the frum community, in all its tzniut concerns teaches you to not only be modest, but to be repressed too. I think, anyway. The first time I ever opened up and said something about my own experiences with having an eating disorder was when I was already at Hunter in Spring '04. I had to write a "gender autobiography," or, personal essay about something about me that is directly related to my gender, race, ethnicity, or religion for my Women's Studies class. It shocked me, when I was done writing, that had I been in high school, where even my poem about running in Central Park was censored for the school literary journal (because it wasn't tzanua to get an image of a girl running--which I took to mean my poem was so good you really saw it!), I would never have written something so frank and honest. As a matter of fact, excluding that one talk we got from our teacher in twelfth grade, there was no mention of eating disorders ever.
Once, I was eating a salad for lunch and a piece of lettuce fell onto the floor. "Oh no, Dina, there goes half your lunch." My friend said and she and I and all the other girls around us laughed really hard because at that point the fact that I barely ate was a joke to us.
Everyone knows that eating disorders are serious. Everyone knows that an eating disorder can result in death, amenorrhea, a screwed up digestive system for the rest of your life, ulcers, and many other not such fun things. But when you don't even mention that it's a prevalent issue you're only creating a breeding ground for this viral epidemic.
If you aren't familiar with Mishpacha magazine, it is a very right-wing, big time-chareidi magazine. This week's cover said:
There are MANY names for eating disorders, but only TWO possible outcomes: Life or Death.
I just have to say that I was in part thrilled that something within the very frum community was written on the matter and in part sickened that it's taken this long for mention to be made. But yasher koach to them.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Newsflash: Singaporeans are Fat

Oh yeah, it's totally normal to be obsessed with weight and BMI's and exercise. I was once as obsessed as the government in Singapore is...when I was anorexic! What is up with this government? It's just as unhealthy to be obsessed with weight when you're obese as it is when you're thin. But then, that's just the psychological part. I guess we can find the positive in this(?)...
"Singaporeans are taught to be fat-conscious as early as primary school."

(That's my favorite line from the article.)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Imagine That!

A Jewish couple, cancelling their wedding at the last minute, has put it up on eBay...
"Now that everything is paid for and we can not get our money back, we would like to auction the occasion to the highest bidder."
Glatt kosher and all!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Suicide Bombers

1 - Bad suicide bombers are generally the live ones. Therefore even even Sheikh Yassin and his 72 virgins would agree that a good suicide bomber is a dead one.

2 - Contrary to popular western methods of business advancement, here only the bad ones managed to climb the hierarchy. Arafat, Yassin, Rantissi, Nassrallah, Mazen and Meshaal must have all been bombers who couldn't quite find that trigger.

3 - Suicide bombing is a completely eglatitarian business, they make no distinction between race, relgion, sex, color, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or IQ. Also there is no discrimination for potential suicide bombers, as they say, the suicide bombing business is an equal oppurtunity employer. Maybe thats why the socialists love them so much.

4 - Most first time successful bombers recieve their first and only pay hike.

5 - the real question is, what happens when the 72 virgins run out? Does our martyr bomber have to deal with used goods for the rest of eternity?

6 - What about female bombers? Do they get 72 Mohammeds?
Then, there was no food left. (This is actually my dessert plate.)
Okay, and we had to drink a lil.
Aaaaaaaand ate...
We ate...
My family went out to eat tonight in honor of my parents' and my uncle and aunt's anniversaries. I love food pictures, so I thought I'd post a few...enjoy! (And while I wish I could do them all in one post, this thingy's messed up. So I apologize for the many separate posts.)

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Because an overwhelming number of people from Hillel thought the cookies I made for Moishele's 18th were delicious, I have decided that I will post the recipe for all to see. Actually, one minute...yeah, I believe I posted it on Punks once already. Yes! Yes, now that I think about it, I am realizing that NO ONE took advantage of the fact that I posted the absolute most delicious chocolate chip cookie recipe--in the world--on Punks in January.

If you want it, click here.

I hate being sick!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


You can run but you cant hide, the only bad part is that they aren't going to be let loose in kiryat arba. Wouldn't that be nice, to see these murders riped apart by a crowd of screaming settlers. Talk about teaching them a lesson.

Shin Bet nabs Ramallah lynch suspect - Jerusalem Post

Keeping its promise, the security services Tuesday announced it had nabbed another Palestinian suspected of lynching two IDF reservists in Ramallah in October over four years ago.

The man apprehended was identified as Mohammed Abu Eida, 29. He was nabbed at the international crossing from Sinai in to the Gaza Strip at Rafah. Security officials said he admitted in participating in the lynching of two wayward reservists, Cpl. (res.) Vadim Novesche and Sgt.-Maj. (res.) Yosef Avrahami in Ramallah in October 2000.....

He was one of over a dozen Palestinians suspected of lynching. The security services have over the years rounded up most of those allegedly involved with the murders. The IDF and Shin Bet, Israel's Security Services, have vowed to capture each and every one of those involved in the brutal murders.

The main culprits have already been captured and jailed, including the man who triumphantly displayed his hands full of Israeli blood to the seething crowd below the Palestinian police station where the two reservists had been held after straying into the West Bank town.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Kumah, v'Nashuvah el Ameynuh

Explain what this is to me, please:
An article in the Jerusalem Post said,

Looking over the longer term, just 57 percent (of the American Jews surveyed) said that "caring about Israel is an important part of my being Jewish," compared to 73 percent in 1989.

My goodness!

Sunday, March 06, 2005

My Brother Hates My Haircut

I got most of my hair chopped off on Friday.
"I don't like your haircut," my brother said. "It's ugly."
"How disappointing, here I thought you had good taste."
"I do have good taste--you just got a really terrible haircut."
Yes, he's eleven.
It's weird, I realized the other day, most people I know now don't realize that I've always kept my hair this short (or shorter). For some reason, I've been leaving it long when it's grown these past two years. My cousin came over today (with her 4 year old and 2 year old munchkins) and after at least thirty minutes, I asked if she liked my haircut.
"Oh, I didn't even notice," she said before adding that she thought it looked really nice.
She didn't even notice that my hair went from a bit past my shoulders to barely past my ears. Bizarre, you'd think. But I think most people identify me as "the girl with the short hair" just like when I was a little girl I'd be referred to as "the scrawny girl with the short hair." Guess I haven't changed as much as I think I have...

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Ad in the NYTimes Today...

Full Copy reads:
The mere sight of it is enough to send shivers through Jews and non-Jews, alike. Even more frightening is that fact that the sentiment behind this heinous symbol is alive and well and growing on American college campuses.
Anti-Semitic diatribes, which should have been buried with Hitler, are being revived. Students are being attacked verbally and physically simply because they're Jewish.
Anti-Semitism, like all racism, needs to be stamped out as soon as it rears its ignorant, ugly head. If you see it, if you hear it, don't ignore it. Report it. Turning a deaf ear on it will only raise the cacophony.
If we act together we can take this evil icon and bury it, once and for all.
If you wish to support our campaign, please donate online at or call 212-726-1427



Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Well, how about that point-and-nod theory of mine?

If only shidduch dates were this honest!

I Want to Have a Baby!!!

This Shabbos, while at a Yachad shabbaton in Queens, I got to hold the most adorable, scrumptious, spit-up machine ever in this world! This baby's eyes were humonganoid, his cheeks were bloopy, and he was wearing this adorable hat that matched his outfit with a thingy sticking up on it. The only thing, though, was that he wouldn’t stop spitting up. My outfit getting all messied-up? I was fine with that. Actually, I was more than fine with that. I have a tendency to get my clothes dirty all the time, particularly when I'm eating (I'm not slobby, I just allow my food creative control over how to get into my mouth), so to have them stained because of a piece of heaven (read: baby) is like an honor for me. Well, this is me: obsessed with wanting to have a baby.
Check out our Punks tees!

And our really cool MFFC:HCC tees!

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